Our storY

Mission Possible

We have seen the reactions of women who cried when they saw their yoni and dared to show it to other women.

The mission of the Yoni like a flower project is to show the beauty and diversity of the female genitals.

Flower is the sex of plant.

When flowers bloom, it is a charming beauty. And flowers are the sex of plants. That’s why we decided to use this close metaphor.

Most of the time women don’t see any other female gender if you exclude the adult industry. Often they don’t even see their own sex because it’s positioned so that it can’t be seen without a mirror, and there are women who die and never see that part of their body.

Our gallery

The female genitals have a multitude of shapes and variations, and all of them are beautiful.

When a woman has the opportunity to see other yonis, she can more easily accept herself. She has the opportunity to see that she is perfectly fine just as she is.

Absolutely perfect.

Our about

For Every Woman

This project is for women. To bring awareness and transformation to this age old taboo subject with far reaching implications on the female psyche and sometimes even health.

Mutual support is our main motto.

If you feel the call to get involved in any way, feel free to contact us.

It can be participating in a project, sharing content or other support.